Inspired by the ceremonies, Afahye, of the Akan people, which are cyclical total works of art that encompass the interconnection of art, music, design poetry, performance, ritual and remembrance.
Museums can be storehouses of knowledge, spaces we go in order to see ourselves represented, our histories retold, and our present reflected, places we can go to help build our futures. With the Mobile Museum, we engage with communities, collaborate, co-curate, listen – questioning who we are, in relation to ourselves and in relation to each other and in relation to the bigger collective identity.
There are so many ways to bring the museum home, especially at this moment as we rethink the imperialist model that Western museums were built on, and then imported to satellites across the world.
ANO’s exhibitions have served as laboratories for looking into our connections with our past and future, and all our programmes will build on what has been uncovered through these collective expressions.