Maame holds a BA in Theatre Arts and Spanish; and an LLB, both with First Class Honours, from the University of Ghana. She completed the Bachelor of Civil Law with distinction at The University of Oxford, UK in 2014.

Until 2017, when she began her DPhil, also at the University of Oxford, Maame was the Programme Coordinator for the Law Department and lecturer in Constitutional and Criminal Law at Lancaster University’s Ghana campus in Accra. She also worked as a technical advisor to an arbitration tribunal at the Ghana Arbitration Centre. Maame is a member of the Ghana Bar Association. Her research interests centre on applying the contemporary constitutional theory discourse to the Ghanaian experience.

Her current research focuses on the constitutional tensions between postcolonial nation-states and historical legal orders within their borders. She explores how legal pluralism can be used to resolve or circumvent these tensions and effectively coordinate community action. She has written on judicial review, discretionary powers, executive authority, natural justice and separation of powers.